QUALITY: ASAP Products Pay for Themselves
Imagine your return-on-investment on a super-duty shipping and handling product that is: nearly indestructible; modular and repairable; immune to the natural forces that attack organic materials; and recyclable. That’s money in the bank.
Before Testing
After Testing
Quality Control Program
ASAP has a quality control program which consists of many aspects; using a single contracted source for purchase of its plastic profile, bend tests performed at profile manufacturers facility, bend testing performed again during skid production at ASAP, and sequentially numbered identification tags placed on each skid produced. ASAP’s profile manufacturer uses only contracted industrial sources for purchase of its raw materials. This ensures consistency in the plastic properties of the 100% recycled content profile produced every time.
Testing has been conducted on ASAP products at Washington State University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University. Click here to download a summary of the reports.